Naish Bowness
ナシュ ボネス
Social Dynamics
Foundation Of Success
Foundation Social Dynamics

Success in life revolves around interpersonal relationships. Social dynamics sits at the core of all interpersonal interactions, whether that be business, love or friendship.

Social dynamics is my own tree of social science. It is how I have learnt to best understand social interaction and success in life.

There are patterns in what it is that we define as success, my goal is to outline and teach core fundamentals to excel in interpersonal relationships. Whereas traditionally teaching is taught from the branches (e.g sales) of which social dynamics is the root.

We are wired to be attracted to certain characteristics for our survival. Thousands of years ago if we were attracted to the wrong type of person it meant death. This wiring is still in us today, but what is it? What are we attracted to today? What is repulsive? Why?

All lifes problems are interpersonal relationship problems

Life's success depends on interpersonal relationships, below are 3 key areas of success. Interestingly, being good in one area pays dividends in another.


Everyone wants someone that they love and have an extremely deep connection with that they can share a large amount of life with.

money/ Business

Without an excess of resources you cannot choose exactly what you want to do at any given moment. Your time will be consumed by acquiring resources.


Life is incomplete without friends we can trust and enjoy ourselves with, we enjoy having people we can experience life with.

Success Process
FAM model

The same process is required in each of these areas when it comes to being successful, the techniques are equally similar when it comes to the below process in each success criteria

F. find
A. attain
M. maintain

F: Find a potential partner
A: Become lovers
M: Maintain relationship


F: Marketing/ Prospecting
A: Close the account, turning prospect into customer
M: Maintain customer


F: Find friends
A: Become Friends
M: Maintain friendship

The traits that sit at the heart of all success

To be successful in the FAM Model you want to demonstrate reliability, accountability, capability and self belief, these traits are at the core of what every single human looks for and finds attractive in another.

reliability, accountability & capability

In times of hardship we need strong people that give us a sense of stability by proxy, we are wired to be attracted to confidence and actively seek it out. Being confident in life will make your life as a whole more successful, the 3 areas of success are infinitely easier to attain. Confidence cannot be faked long term, these are the building blocks of confidence.

Physical capability

Physicality shows a level of hard work and discipline that demands a level of respect due to its nature of being difficult to attain.


The value an individual places on keeping an agreement. The value they put on their word. Someone who doesn't go back on their word is someone who is honourable/ reliable.


Someones ability to hold themselves absolutely accountable at all times, taking as much responsibility for situations as possible! A good leader cannot take responsibility for the good and not the bad.


Confidence is the belief in oneself, all other traits cannot be shown without the ability to be oneself, you are the traits.

Emotional Capability

Your ability to get across ideas, manage relationships and generate rapport, correlate heavily with your success in life.

Mental Capability

Someones overall knowhow and ability to recognise patterns quickly and efficiently.

Social Dynamics
subprimal instincs
Why we find these traits attractive as humans

In times of hardship we need strong people that give us a sense of stability by proxy. We are wired to search and seek out people that will make our survival more likely. Not being wired this way would have removed us from the gene pool.

The reality is, thousands of years ago we needed other people to survive, so we adapted to naturally seek out these traits, traits that would maximise our chance of survival and reproduction. Everyone consciously or unconsciously is seeking out reliability, accountability and capability. Without these traits your ancestors may have died due to a poor judge of character.

Physical capability

Physicality demonstrates that this person is clearly capable of holding their own, a true warrior, someone you want on your team for the boost to strength and power that it will bring to your clan.

Emotional Intelligence

An ability to communicate clearly bonds parties, it allows you to understand someone on a deeper level, without a solid level of communication many other traits cannot be shown. Poor communication can lead to the disbanding of clan.

Mental Capability

Specific to the context of the situation, we are attracted to those that have a solid understanding and experience in the situation. This is why we love stories so much, transferral of information/ experience.


Fight/ flight is triggered when we are around those that have no confidence, we cannot rely on someone who has little belief in themselves, they become a liability.


We are at risk if we are not around those we believe are reliable. Any queue received that someone is not reliable triggers a level of flight.


In line with all other points, someone that is not you cannot "count on" on is not someone who will increase our chance of survival.

Actions that amplify the 7 characterisitcs

These actions have their own skills that improve traits as a whole, that again apply to all areas of life and amplify it. Some points are in the subtractors section below and can be tapped into doing the opposite.

Wit & Charisma
EQ | Emotional Intelligence

Wit and charisma allow us to demonstrate confidence and a new level of ourselves that couldn't be portrayed without a solid level of communication skills. The more we confidently demonstrate ourselves the more the person we are communicating with trusts us. The more trust, the more they want you around, this is essentially "rapport".

Specialised knowledge
IQ | Mental Capability

Applied to the specific context of the environment, you can be more valuable based on your specialised knowledge and how that can help someone.

Body Language
Posture | Confidence, Physicality

Body language is a great way to read how self assured someone really is. Someone with good posture, shoulders back and head up

Social proof

Your credibility based on how others respond to you, treat you and what others say about you. As well as your history/ experience. Resumes, recommendations, qualifications, case studies, social media likes/ followers are all forms of social proof in the modern day.

Negative activities

While not necessarily traits, these are practices/ actions we can make that portray the opposite of their respective trait and repel people.

Approval Seeking
Lack of confidence | Self assurance

Approval seeking is by far the biggest looked over action in social interaction. Approval seeking is seeking approval from others, in statements, actions or ways of thinking. We should only do things we mean with 100% certainty, if we are wrong we should correct it, the possibility of being wrong should not stop us from being ourselves.

capability | Lack of Discipline

Poor habits are a sign that someone does not value personal capability, whether that be over eating (obesity), drug use, alcoholism, gambling or any other addiction. The least amount of vices someone has the more we believe they are capable, and therefore trust.

Reliability | Lack of Honour

No matter how small the lie, the act of being dishonest is extremely repelling. Someone who lacks honour is someone who is dangerous, trusting a distrustful person is never a good idea, and could lead to death.

complaining, blaming
resolution | Lack of Accountability

Casting blame on others shows a lack of self accountability, those who are truly accountable take the maximum amount of accountability possible in all scenarios.


Someone you cant trust when it comes down to your survival is not someone that you will be attracted to, you will be repelled. It is important to understand these characteristics to be the best versions of ourselves possible. While this programming is somewhat out dated for the current state of civilisation, it is still applicable, we can not work effectively with logic, without addressing social dynamics.